What am I supposed to call this post?
I Finished Another Quilt?
Here's Another Quilt I Made?
I don't name my quilts and I have long since passed the imagined necessity of making quilts because we need one on every bed in the house. And the people who have ever vaguely expressed a passing interest or shown any slight love for my quilts - they have got one too.
And what about the people I know who don't ask: who have babies and engagements and weddings and birthdays. I'm afraid they've all had one too.
So this is a quilt finish for no other reason than because I like making quilts.
You can see the original blurb about the making of this quilt
That was back in December of last year and it's sat in a corner of my sewing room because, to be honest, the one part of the quilting process I really do dislike is the laying out of the backing, batting and top and the putting of the three layers together, ready for quilting. If it's a fairly large quilt, I've got to be in the right frame of mind to do it...otherwise it sits to one side.
When I am feeling extremely lazy (as was the case this time), I lay the backing fabric on the floor, then the batting and finally the top. They're all kind of sitting on top of each other but I haven't done any of the usual smoothing out and I haven't used masking tape to adhere the backing to the floor...as I usually do.
On this occasion, I just scoop all three layers up and fix my hand quilting ring to the middle of the quilt (so it is nice and taut and smooth) and start lightly hand quilting.
Once it is secure, and the layers are together without any puckers, I then switch to the sewing machine. Especially, as in this case, I wanted to practice my mediocre free motion quilting skills.
The backing is not going to win any awards for creative application.
It was more a case of hunting through my stash and using some fairly old fabrics I had, which I thought went well enough with the limited colour scheme of the front of the quilt.
And that is it.
I Finished Another Quilt.
I think the actual colours are probably most true on this picture |