Being asked by
Becca if I wanted to join in the Around The World Blog Hop meant a good enough reason to get out of my summer blog-less funk and post something.
I was tempted to say 'no' because I don't know that I have anything new to say that you haven't heard already but because it was Becca and because I like what she does and because I like the premise of finding out about what quilters are up to all around the world, I'm saying 'yes' and joining in.
Just don't expect any earth shattering revelations about me and quilting.
What am I working on?
Quilting this one.
I love it.
I love it so much I can't screw it up.
I can't do an all-over diagonal/straight line/cross-hatch.
I can't.
It deserves more.
So I have
slowly, at an almost glacial pace, been fmq it bit by bit with as many different random designs as my head can think of.
Whatever I feel like, I am doing it.
And in the process I've discovered I don't really like quilting gloves.
I think it was a combination of the long, warm summer, taking a class with
Philippa Naylor and a Craftsy one with
Ann Petersen (neither of whom use quilting gloves) that made me give their preferred option of rubberised shelf liner a go.
And I like it.
A lot.
I feel more in control, my fingers don't get clammy and the whole process just feels more natural.
I've also started a new quilt, made predominantly from 60 degree triangles, with the colours inspired by this piece of fabric.
It's from Kathy Doughty's line
A Wandering Mind and I just liked the colours on this feature fabric.
So I've cut up a whole hot mess of other fabrics to add in and am just playing around with ideas.
I don't have a plan.
I'm kind of making it up as I go along.
That could be a metaphor for life.
And finally, I'm going to make a dent in this tower of Soy Amado quilt blocks.
Yes, I did succumb and buy a whole bolt of Nummers because, well, it's a rite of passage for a true quilter. |
It's sat there for the best part of the summer and it needs to be turned into quilts.
How does my work differ from others in its genre?
This is where it gets boring.
I have absolutely no idea.
Does it differ?
I'm just doing what I'm doing.
Why do I create what I do?
That's an easy one.
With quilting there are no defined rules. You can make what you want, how you want. You can follow a pattern or make it up as you go along. You can use one colour or a hundred and one. You can use old fabric, new fabric and at the end of your process you'll still have created a quilt that is completely unique and (hopefully) an expression of you.
It's a chance to get lost in a creative process that slows me down, relaxes me and allows me to get subsumed in the enjoyment of the process than necessarily the end result.
It's an opportunity to give something that can't be bought.
An opportunity to give a bit of myself to someone else.
How does my creative process work?
It's completely random.
It may start with fabric, with colour, with an idea for a pattern, with the need to try a commercial pattern and see if I can make it my own.
It's an exercise in pushing myself to just do something different.
I don't want to plan a quilt. I don't want to map it out beforehand. I don't want to calculate the fabrics I'll need (because secretly I want to run out half way through and push myself to use something different and take the quilt in another and unexpected direction). I don't want to think about what it will look like when it is finished because I don't really have that idea in my head when I start.
I just want to start with the kernel of an idea and see where it leads.
To play around.
To just have fun.
And those, I believe, are all the questions answered. I'm supposed to link to three more quilters to keep this going but I'm not linking to anyone specifically. Instead, if you'd like to join in, please feel free to start your own Around The World Blog post.
In the meantime, I suppose I should be doing something about this.
*I don't know where the Around The World Blog Hop originated. If anyone knows, please say as it would be good to link up with others doing this too and share.