
Monday, 10 May 2010

A 'designer' quilt

Question for you. When is a jelly roll not a jelly roll? When it's a 'designer' roll of course.

And what's the difference between a jelly roll and a designer roll?
 Up to 18 less strips in a designer roll. That's right. Up to 18 strips less than a jelly roll. Of course I didn't realise that when I bought it. I thought all rolls were equal.

But they are not.

So, for the roll-uninitiated of you out there. A jelly roll normally has around 40 strips of width of fabric and a designer roll seems to waver wildly from anything from 22 to 28 to 32 but never seemingly 40.
What does that mean if you are making a designer roll quilt?
 It means you're going to have to dip into your stash to supplement your designer roll if you want a half decent sized quilt...which is exactly what I did.

In this case I added random pieces of Kona Celery and Kona Parsley.

The back is a bit random as well. Used up all the last 'designer' scraps, built a panel of Kona Parsley around it and then added on a different fabric either side which I have now decided looks a bit curtainish. Looks like the curtains have been pulled back to reveal the block in the middle.

Tah Dah

So the moral of this story is. As in life, with anything that has the word 'designer' in it, you are going to pay more for less ;-)


  1. I had no clue! Actually I've never heard of a designer roll either. ;-) Now I know! The colours you chose to complement are just gorgeous, I love this quilt! What is the line of 'designer' fabrics - just a mix or one single line?

  2. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. Where do you get your lovely solids from? BTW, I am compiling a page on my blog:
    for UK Fresh Modern Quilters. I put you on it but let me know if you would prefer me to take you off and let me know who else you can think of. I'm just going to add people as I come across them.

  3. Andrea - I used a Bernatex Yoshida City Blooms designer roll for the quilt. So yes, all from the same line and then added in the solids.
    And to answer where did I get my solids from (Lynne) the answer is Hancocks-paducah. Was also where I got the roll from. For non-US readers of this blog I would sign up with Hancocks to receive their emails because every so often they offer free international shipping (includes up to two rolls of batting). Not to be sniffed at.

  4. Very interesting about the number of strips varying in jelly rolls, but that is a beautiful quilt!

  5. Cheeky designers!! Well despite their stinginess you have created a gorgeous quilt!! Great to see another English Modern Quilter!

  6. thank you! I am pretty sure I will stick with jelly rolls! but that is a gorgeous quilt!
