
Tuesday, 28 June 2011

The guest room

I like having guests to stay, I really do.

But equally, I like it when they've gone and the room becomes nice and empty...and opportunistic.

Empty double beds make very enticing design walls

And because you know the bed is not going to stay empty for long... know you have to crack on with the quilt.

And all that empty space on the floor needs filling up too.
Blocks received so far from my month in the Twist on Tradition Bee

I like guests but equally, I like it when they're gone.


  1. You've got some very lovely WIP's there!

  2. Loving all that WIP there. Hope that no visitors are booked in too soon!

  3. They look great - I especially love the blocks from your bee. My guest room is also my sewing room so guests can be a real inconvenience to my sewing!

  4. The third picture looks like small ships in the ocean! Regatta with stripes.
    Seem to become fantastic.

  5. I turned my guest room into a studio with a Murphy bed. We don't have many guests but when we do I need to scramble! Love your quilts in progress.

  6. Oh, I like the diamonds. And the bee quilt is going to be just great!

  7. You have two beautiful quilts that are coming together, great fun!

  8. *chuckle*

    My design wall is usually the lounge (living) room floor and occasionally my studio floor (small quilts only)!

  9. I'm with you in spirit in the spare room - sorry sewing room. The cat comes too and takes over the bed so that's my design wall when she is out - great quilts you have there in the making ...

  10. Those are looking wonderful together! I too use the guest bed as a design wall and get very angry we people say they are going to come over :)

  11. I totaly agree about the spare bed design wall! I just have to somehow keep my husband from filling it up with laundry before I can get to it with my blocks!! lol.
    The quilt you are working on looks really cool, I cannot wait to see it all done.

  12. Oh, and don't forget those nice drawers in that pretty chest of drawers. So nice for fabric storage or WIP's.
    I do this, too. Then go nuts trying to clear it all out when we actually have to store a guest in the room instead of quilting things. . .

  13. How did I miss this post? This is my favorite use of our guest room as well! Nice WIPs :-)
