
Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Second bee quilt finish

First bee quilt finish is here

This time it was the ladies from the A Twist on Tradition bee. I provided a selection of black and white and red and white fabric as well as some Kona Snow and asked them to make me two 12  1/2 inch blocks based on using the half square triangle only. One block black and white. One block red and white.

What half square triangle blocks they came up with was entirely up to them.

And this is the result:

I love, love, love it.

The blocks were a breeze to sew together (they all really were 12 1/2 inches - thank you ladies!) and then with the spare fabric that they sent back I cut it up to make a completely random half square triangle border.

On the back I appliqued the block I made up as the example to the backing fabric.

Yes Kristie, it's that fabric again ;-)

Quilting was a double cross - hatch over the quilt.

And the binding couldn't have been more apt if I'd tried.
Excuse loose threads, haven't snipped them off yet.
Thank you to:

Queen Bee: Leila
Bee workers (in no particular order): Emily, Jenni, Amanda, Liz, Jenniffier, Jodie, Michelle, Ann and Danielle.

It's my new 'snuggle on the sofa' quilt. Thank you.


  1. Oh that is such a beautiful quilt - the blocks look so effective it how you imagined it would be? What clever bees!

  2. What a beautiful quilt! You have a very talent group in you bee.

  3. Stunning! Great idea specifying the colourway. I'm in the Brit Bee and loving how everyones is turning out so far. Bee's are great fun! Jxo

  4. Great idea for the backing and the binding fabric is pretty sweet! Good job guys!

  5. OH!!! I love it! Not that I am biased in any way. :)

    The border and binding are great and the blocks really work well together. Sometimes I wonder how a quilt will come together with so many different blocks, but this is brilliant!

  6. What a gorgeous quilt! Everything about it is great! I love the shaded effect of the blocks on the front!

  7. Oh my goodness that turned out amazing. They all go so very well with each other :)

  8. It is truly gorgeous! I just love the colours...the muted/shade effect on the blocks. It looks like a shabby chic beach cottage quilt. LOVE IT!

  9. Uhooi,,
    Wow,, It works great, beautiful and creative,,

  10. LOL! I am peeking in on you from the U.S. of A. ;) AND, just was in Wisconsin, which is the dairyland of the country, so how very suitable to see THAT FABRIC on your post!!! Hahahahahaha!

    What a wonderful quilt.

  11. I love how it came out. Thanks for sharing. I gave you and this quilt a quick mention on my blog this morning. I was just giddy with excitement and had to share. :)

  12. Absolutely love this quilt - well done to all the bees! Love the backibng too.

  13. Oh my! I think this is my favourite quilt you have made (& I like most of them a whole lot do that's saying something!) love the border pulling all the blocks together.
