
Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The cross-eyed spider's web quilt

I don't name my quilts.

Never have done.

Never will.

Up until now.

When I first posted my way of doing a spider's web quilt a couple of weeks ago someone who looked at it went and posted the link on a quilt discussion board and over about four days, more than 2,000 people came and had a look.

Up until this point, I had paid very little attention to the 'stats' link on the top right hand corner of your Blogger page. My interest was piqued though and you can click through to the sites that are sending traffic your way, which I did.

It was interesting. No one that clicked through on the discussion board to get here left a comment but a few did leave comments on the discussion board after they had been here.

One person said my quilt made her go cross-eyed.

So may I present to you the 'Cross-Eyed My Way Spider's Web Quilt'.

 It also made me realise that you can completely love something, yet it leaves others scratching their heads and thinking 'what was she doing?'

So if you are one of those, pop your sunglasses on and just embrace the possibilities of doing the spider's web quilt this way, rather than the interpretation you see before you!

I am still fascinated with that secondary shape that appears when you alter the traditional measurements of a spider's web block.

And I still think it makes for a more interesting movement across the whole quilt.

As anyone (I love this one by the way) who has ever made a spider's web quilt will tell you; it takes a long time to get a quilt of any reasonable size.

So although I have it in my mind to revisit this way of doing a spider's web quilt again (but with a more refined colour palette), it may be some time before I contemplate the marathon ahead.

I also love the back.

And luckily...I also love the front ;-)


  1. This looks complicated to make so I don't think I'll be giving it a go any time soon. I do like it though. It reminds me of kalidescope (which I can't spell - but I@m sure you know what I mean.) patterns.

  2. Allison, where's this "discussion board"?
    PS. Don't pay attention what are other people saying, the most important is what YOU love:)

  3. Thank you - I've just looked at the stats tab on my blog! I really like it but the important thing is that you love it - wonder if they'll be back today for another look?!

  4. I have a spiderweb on my lofty to-do list...I think I will be making your version when that day comes. BUT a bit more tame ;) Love it and all of its craziness!

  5. wow, must feel a little odd to know your quilt has been discussed! I happen to love it. Doubt I'll be trying it soon as it looks a bit beyond me so far, but one day ;-)

  6. Oh it`s fabulous - and I love the back too. The fabric looks familiar - what is it? I wish people who visit would comment more..I probably comment too much but if I like what I see or am interested I say something. Hmm. I was like that at school too...

  7. A bit crazy yes but I think that probably suits you. Who wants to do boring...?

  8. Oh no I LOVE it!
    (and thats not just a 'blog' comment)

  9. It is beautiful in a crazy way and vice versa. And the back you used is perfect. So funny humans are that they need to gossip about what others do.

  10. Your post made me laugh, yup we all have different tastes! I really like this kaleidoscope of colour and the backing too. I am in awe of anyone who has the patience to make one of these regardless of the method used.

  11. You love it. We love it. Who cares about the rest? :-)

  12. You love it - and that is the most important (unless, of course, you were making it to give to someone specific - then it would matter if they loved it!!) Others loving it is a bonus and not liking it doesn't matter!

  13. I think it's fantastic! It didn't make me cross-eyed but it did make my eyes dance all over the quilt.
    And I think it's a great name :)

  14. I love this quilt! I think one could look at it for a long time and not get tired of it and still keep finding new interesting bits. I guess some people may describe that in different ways, but now I am going to have to consider that some variation on cross-eyed (in a good way). Also, too funny that so many people came to take a look but did not stop to say hi.

  15. You know, now that you show most of the quilt all the scrappyness actually looks fabulous! And I love the backing fabric. So when you get a little tired of all the busy busy you can just turn over and take it easy with a little nature.
    Very Nice!

  16. This is really fab! I love scrappy quilts, but most importantly, you love it! And that's all that matters. Big Well Done! Jxo

  17. It's so interesting - I'm trying to work out how you did the paper piecing to end up with the two different kinds of webs - I love that. I also love scrappy quilts and kudos to you for eschewing the typical white background!

  18. I now realise I visit an awful lot of blogs without posting - even if I have been admiring their creations or following a tutorial!

    I really should, and I think your spiders web is fantastic!!
