
Sunday, 11 September 2011

Playing with words

I gathered all my fabric with words on and cut into them, making 60° triangles.

No big plan.

No worrying about dark and light placement.

Just cutting and sewing.

As ever, with all my images, you can click on them for a closer view.

I tried to add some interest by cutting different sized triangles. And added in some of my small and precious Heather Ross Munki Munki stash, again, just to give the eye some different things to see.

 Some are 60° triangles made up of four smaller triangles, some are the regular size I chose and a few are larger to show the text off better.

I think I'll add a few more rows and then sandwich it together and start quilting.

Logic dictates that I should machine quilt this one with nice simple rows diagonally either side of the seams.

I am not going to follow logic.

I am going to hand-quilt this one.

I may be a while.


  1. Beautiful! I like your play on words - I have been hoarding the text fabric too but hadn't thought of splurging it all in one project - love that pink one! What is it please?

  2. I love this. I got the equliateral triangle dye with my Go! Baby and it is high on my list of things to do. You have just pushed it up a few spots on the list because I love what you have done so much!!

  3. Fabric with text on it is one of my favourite things. It would never have occurred to me to use pretty much only text fabric in a project. Very cool result though!

  4. Wonderful! I love your variety of text fabric - what a great collection!

  5. Hello this is a lovely piece, the colour combination reminds me of a quilt I made.
    You can find it in one of my tutorials.

  6. What a cool idea - lovely design and the fabrics are so complimentary together. The pink & blue accents finish it lovely. Jxo

  7. It's wonderful! I can see why you want to hand quilt it, time to enjoy each of those bits of fabric up close.

  8. I am really loving this one, especially the way you chopped up some triangles, extended others. It's gonna be gorgeous. Wanna mail me another one?? I'll take this off your hands ;)

  9. This looks great, word fabric is one of my favourites right now. I really like how using a few triangles of different sizes mixes it all up.

  10. That turned out so well - congratulations!

  11. Love this, love word fabric and this really appealing to my current hexie obsession.

  12. Tried emailing you back but it was chucked back at me. It was just to say I can see the odd hexi but yes, mainly

  13. oh, i love this! hand quilting is going to be perfect!
