
Tuesday, 17 January 2012

The kindness of stranger friends

I have always struggled with the concept that people you have only ever 'met' online could be termed friends. I don't know why. It seems a bit odd to think that people you've never spent time with could be called friends.

When I started blogging I never thought of the 'friends' element. It was to show and talk about my secret hobby of quilting that no one in the 'real' world got.

The months go by and gradually some of these people you have 'met' online become a part of your life without you even realising it. And even though Ryan Gosling could be a shelf-stacker in Waitrose for all I know and the Winnipeg Jets could be the Canadian equivalent of the Red Arrows, you still keep tapping away and before you know it, you start to think of them as a friend.

One of these virtual friends is Kristie


Not only does she make quilts - that was the important bit for me;-) - she also knits. And she knits these rather scrummy hats.
And I liked them.
So I developed a rather annoying virtual cough every time she posted pictures of them.
To the effect that the cough would more than likely clear up if one of those hats came my way.
And yesterday.
On the coldest day of the year on the Little Island.
It did.

So I immediately put it on, overjoyed by the bounty that was mine.
And almost immediately my husband said I looked like Ena Sharples from Coronation Street.
Now if you are not British and of a certain era that will mean nothing to you, so let me help you:

Ena Sharples:


And me:

What do you reckon?


  1. Well, I prefer YOUR smile to hers. : ) Aren't hand made things the best? Have a wonderful week.

  2. Ha ha ha, I could insert a joke here about the hat saving us all from a view of your ugly mug, or ask which bank you ended up robbing, but I will refrain;). But seriously.....don't scare off your daughters' friends with that thing!

    So glad you like it. And that the cough has cleared (for now). Virtual hugs from your virtual friend! Go Jets go!!

  3. Oh, she is scary! I have never come across her, but some of my favorite British shows are Inspector Lewis, Dr Who, Brackwell, Downton Abby, Survivors, Keeping Up Appearances, Life on Mars, Doc Martin and The Good Life. The only thing I have a problem with is that most seasons are only a 8 episodes long. I want more! I guess you keep quality high that way though. Any other good shows I should know about?

    Anyway, back on topic - beautiful hat! And I am glad I have gotten to know you online too. :)

    I was just thinking the other day that I needed to sort out my scrap tote and keep what I like and get rid of the scraps that I will never use. Maybe I would find a new quilt in there! I love the greens.

  4. How have I missed this post?!! I think you look better than dear old Ena! (And I also have no idea who Ryan Gosling is - I googled him recently after a long post about him on another blog and it didn't help, still clueless!!). My friend bought me a gorgeous beret for Christmas...unfortunately it makes me look like Frank Spencer! I'm better in a hat with a brim!!
