
Tuesday, 5 June 2012

A little light distraction?

After the mammoth that was the last quilt, I was after something less taxing so 'whipped up' this thingy.

Things I learnt about making this thingy:
  • decide from the outset what colour threads you use in top and bobbin thread. Don't realise some way through that you've got blue in the top and white in the bobbin and change the top for a yellow only to realise a further bit on that you'll also be sewing on the red fabric so let's now change it to red
  • remember to reposition your sewing machine needle as far left as it will go when you attach your zipper foot
  • remember to reposition your sewing machine needle back to its original centre position when you take off the zipper foot and put your regular foot back on
  • instructions are only useful if you actually understand them
  • there comes a point, when you've got the pockets on upside down and inside out, when it is wise to stop pouring over the instructions and let the visuals of commonsense prevail
  • there is a fine dividing line between a handmade and a homemade look
and finally...

  • there is 'organic' straight line sewing and then there is plain old 'good grief this is shocking' straight line sewing
  • alcohol is sometimes the answer.


  1. I love this post. Maybe it's because I can relate to all of it. lol. The organizer is really great, but your rotary cutter in upside down is making me cringe.

  2. Oh, I can empathise! I'm starting out with sewing and quilting, and I find straight lines to be awfully tricky! Maybe I should try a glass of wine first... It's a cute thingy, though!

  3. so, not the best stress relief, you are saying....

  4. I'm sorry but I can't stop chuckling at your 'lessons learnt'!! I love your thingy though - I'd be hiding sweeties or chocolate in the zipped pocket!!

  5. I think you THINGY is wonderful xx

  6. Bring it to Retreat next year - it'll be an ice breaker - we spent the whole of this weekend laughing and this would fit in perfectly! xxx

  7. Too funny. Glad that I'm not the only one that sews this way!

  8. Hilarious post! I've done that forgetting to put the needle back in the centre position so many times.

  9. Your post made me laugh so much. Your thingie is fab.

  10. never even thought of putting needle to the left :)))) great post love the thingy !!!

  11. What a great looking little thingy! Wine and chocolate is the answer for many situations - LOL!

  12. It's heartening to read that someone as experienced as you learns some 'lessons' with projects. I learn these kinds of lessons with every single project. I'm sometimes think I'm regressing. love the organiser though. I keep thinking I should make something like this that I can just switch in and out of my bigger bags.

  13. Hehehe sounds so much like one of my normal sewing sessions... Handy wee doodah though :-)

  14. so....are you going to make another!!???

  15. Am liking this very much.The best 'Thingy I've seen in a long time!!!!!

  16. Yup, nice to see some of the lessons written down, I been there on all of them.

  17. Cheers! Daar moet op gedronken worden!

  18. lol! That's all I can say on that one!

  19. I want to know what is in the zipped pocket - I know I am way too nosy!

  20. Absolutely true; there is a fine line between handmade and homemade! My Nanna, a professional seamstress, made my wedding dress and that of my sister, who was one of my bridesmaids. MIL, who never irons anything ( and whom I dearly love), made the bridesmaids' dresses for my three sisters-in-law. The difference in finished appearance was obvious.
