
Friday, 14 December 2012

Where do your quilt ideas come from?

In my case, sometimes when I least expect it.

Some tidying up.

Which results in 'new' fabric being found.

And bits of fabric from past projects.

And pieces that you hoard because they have such large prints that you don't want to cut into them because you don't want to lose the pattern. So you just keep them and keep them for some indeterminate next quilt.

And then inspiration is sought to try and marry all those disparate finds together.

Kaffe Fassett's Quilt Romance

Which is how I have ended up with this.

I may go bigger, I may not.

I may just do a bit more tidying and see what appears to be added to the mix.

How do your quilts evolve?


  1. I try not to make quilts just blocks, and most of those ideas come from looking around flickr, and blogs, but your right, sometimes a piece of fabric just jumps out and tells you what to do with it. I love the way your quilt evolved.

  2. That looks great. hmm quilting inspiration .. either I want to use taht one fabric in a quilt so I hunt for a pattern and then add fabrics as needed. Sometimes I win a pattern in a give away and then I feel really guility if I don't do it, so I choose fabrics for the pattern. For my minis for the swap there is luckily usually a theme so I can use that ad a starter. Sometimes it's just a block that I like ... but I never think too long about it. Once the top is done the thinking starts which usually puts everything on halt for a long time.

  3. I love your use of that ticket fabric!

  4. Oh I love the ticket fabric and how it has been used. Great idea all round! Most of my ideas come to me at odd times and rarely when I am looking at fabric. Mostly just in my imagination and then I try to figure out how to translate that to reality.

  5. I agree with Susan, that is a brilliant use of the tickets. I wish I knew the answer to your question, I sometimes am inspired by the juxtaposition of ideas, words, and events, sometimes I flip through patterns with fabric in mind, sometimes I just play around a bit.

  6. OH MY WORD! I LOVE THIS QUILT! Can't wait to see the finish - to me, it's absolutely gorgeous!

  7. Very artistic. My inspiration comes from multiple sources. I like making blocks and then when the stack is large enough I play with them. Mix and match, orphan blocks play well together too. They make a very artistic quilt.

  8. One more thing. The ticket fabric is awesome and love how you incorporated it into a block.

  9. I love how you've used the ticket fabric! My ideas tend to just pop into my head, I don't have much to do with the process ;o)

  10. What a great use of those tickets! Your quilt looks great.i glean inspiration from wonderful bloggers like you, old magazines, but sometimes I just look at a fabric and know what I will do ; )

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sometimes I start in the same way as you described (by finding one fabrics and then another...). Usually I think about possible pattern, make even some plan, but actually sew something completely different which came up to my head just before cutting fabrics:)))
    What worries my the most, I don't have plans for some of my hoarded fabrics (these one you mentioned: kept in one piece not to loose the pattern). Any pattern seems right for them...

  13. Oh, how cool -- what great timing! I've been trying to make blocks using Kaffe Fassett fabrics with an "x" in the middle. It just looked too busy, so I put it away in the UFO closet. But by using a "plain" fabric with the "x" in the middle, alternating with the large prints, it calms it down. Love that! (Of course, some people wouldn't agree that my description of "plain" fabric is correct, but for me, too much is never quite enough!)

  14. This is looking beautiful! There's always some planning involved with my projects -- it's probably my favorite part. I can be inspired by the fabric, by colors, or by what I saw on blogs that morning!

  15. Brilliant quilt, and nice use of the rolls of tickets fabric! I aspire to quilts I see other bloggers making. Other bloggers can also make me want to work with different fabrics or techniques. And sometimes I see a fabric and a quilt idea jumps to mind. And sometimes if I'm going to be travelling or sitting alone in a coffee shop I doodle in maths/science copies (something with a grid)... I only make about a tenth of what inspires me though!

  16. Great use of your scraps! My inspiration comes from blogs, books, friend's quilts and sometimes desperation. lol. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Inspiration is always JUST around the corner! You never know when it will POP up! Love your quilt!

  18. Great stuff - not much inspiration in my office or the Tesco queue!

  19. I love the tickets fabric you've used in this quilt. This is looking amazing! Inspiration?? I'm a fraud, I love to go to Pinterest,I really love looking at the great ideas people come up with. Inspiration? Sometimes I think it's the fabric that makes me get off of my bum to get a quilt completed!

  20. Definitely visually inspired by fabric or a quilt I've seen but I always want to make it my own by changing something. I don't plan what my quilt will finally look like but go with the flow so don't tend to cut it all out in advance - it often ends up quite different to how I thought it would look but for me that is part of the exciting journey!

  21. Oh my gosh - that is great!! I love how you found inspiration!!

  22. I am going to look up that pattern! It's beautiful

  23. Very nice and amazing color combination…looking so beautiful perfect for drawing room.

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