
Friday, 11 October 2013

Lucky me. Lucky you?

Look what I got in the post.

It's my PIF (Pay It Forward) from the Queen of Rainbows, Kelly.
I'd already taken part in a PIF before so had mentally ticked it off the 'been there, done that' list. But when Kelly posted she was looking for three people to make something for, I was back in there quicker than a rat up a drainpipe.

And I'm so glad I did.

I saw it coming together on her blog but never thought it was for me.
And she even very, very kindly included the cushion form too.

So you know what's coming next?

I have to make something for three people and I have the next twelve months in which to do it.
In return, when I have made that 'something', those three people then have to make something for three people themselves and so on.

So is this going to be a tumbleweed post or does someone want me to make them something?

Speak now or forever hold your peace!

Edited to add: Now closed thank you.


  1. I would love you to make something for me! It would also challenge me to make the three items worthy of passing on. Although not so keen if lots of blogging about it is involved as I have sort of given up on that front for the time being.

  2. I would love to take part! Pretty please!? It is such a lovely idea!! The pillow is absolutely stunning by the way!

    Kalliebeaton @

  3. Yes! Please! I'd love to do this!

  4. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, make something for me?

  5. Oh I would love love love something! That would be so fun!

  6. Still working on my 2013 list of five. Three would have been so much better! I think it's great to Pay-it-Forward. Rock on!

  7. I am already too late several times over! Waaah! But your cushion from Kelly is adorable!

  8. I'd love to be considered for this, your work is fabulous. that pillow is adorable

  9. Lucky you, that's a beautiful cushion.

  10. Too late - but I am currently sewing up 5 little things for my PIFs (downing the pressure ante for the next in line - my excuse and I am sticking to it!).

  11. Ooooooohhhh my friend, in the event this wasn't a, "And the first three takers are it!" type ordeal, please place my name in the proverbial hat :)

  12. too late - but I would have loved to have joined in! I will keep my eye open for the three you send to :-)

  13. I would love you to make something for me but will have to pass as my skills are not up to making for others, maybe one day when I have been quilting for longer but not now, best of luck, the cushion is lovely

  14. I too am far too late, but I wanted to say that I love the pillow you have received.

  15. I would love to receive a gift from you! Your work is beautiful. I would also love to pass on the love.

  16. What a pretty pillow :) And I already am lucky enough to have a handmade quilt by you that we love!

  17. I would love to participate in this great project.

  18. What a fabulous pillow to receive - I am already participating in a couple of PIF - I have to say I am a bit worried about what I have to make after seeing this.

  19. That pillow is really stunning - lucky you indeed! I signed up for a PIF ages ago but haven't received anything and the blogger has kind of gone off the radar - I suppose at some point I'll decide it's just not going to happen. If this is not a first three are in thing then I'd love to play!

  20. HaHa! Not sure if I am laughing harder about the rat up the drainpipe comment or the number of takers you have. But the cushion is stunning and you are so, so lucky!!!

  21. I would put my name in the hat for another round, but I suppose I should finish this one first ;-)
