
Friday, 14 March 2014

Soy Amado No. 8

This one is most definitely for a girl so it's a 'Soy Amada' quilt.

The majority of the blocks in this quilt were sent to me by Karen in the UK who is not blogging at the moment and should :-) She was the first person to respond to my 'Pay It Forward' post in October last year so I am aware the clock is ticking on the designated 12 month time span and I really should (and will!) make and send her something.

She made 29 blocks over the course of six weeks at weekends and evenings and then they appeared on my doorstep.

If you look at the half-square triangles and realise that the whole completed block is finished to 12", you can appreciate how each of those HSTs are soooo small and perfect.

Plus, because most of the blocks in this quilt were made by the same person, they are all a perfect 12 1/2" and therefore the joining sashing I add in between each block lines up perfectly. I haven't been measuring the blocks as they've come in, just sewn them together. As a consequence, I've had pedal to to metal on a couple of occasions and then suddenly realised my sashing lines were not meeting up, got my tape measure out and discovered one of the blocks is 12 inches. I have no intention of unpicking so I have perfected the art of squooshing and squeezing the blocks to make them fit but I'd rather not.

Polite request please - blocks should be 12 and a HALF inches pretty please :-) Thank you.

And for the record, the rear.

According to my 11 year old, I need to get more creative with my quilt photography, so the next two are courtesy of her.


  1. Love all the white in this one and the elephant block is just gorgeous! Looking forward to no.9 :)

  2. Also well done to Karen - 29 blocks is quite something!

  3. wow - Karen, great blocks. Please start blogging again. I miss you!

  4. Another beauty! Alison, I've given myself a deadline of April 2 to get my box of blocks in the mail to you from western USA. I should have 45+ completed on my own then, and I've extended the opportunity to my small Mod. Quilt Guild group to bring blocks to me at our April 1st meeting. I will then celebrate my dear daughter's birthday on the 2nd by shipping these blocks to you, enormously grateful that our children have been blessed with a warm home and two loving, involved parents, as well as feeling blessed in being able to contribute to your beautiful, meaningful and GARGANTUAN effort! xo

  5. Pretty! Such a joyful quilt - the last 2 pictures are very fun, your 11 yr old has good style!

  6. I am so happy to see these quilts pop up! Wonderful, magical, joyful!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  7. Hurray for Karen, such a wonderful job! Hurray for Allison, I discovered while making my Soy Amada quilt that it’s quite some work to ‘only’ put together the blocks into a quilt!

  8. Beautiful quilt and blocks. You need a photo tree ;)

  9. A beautiful quilt.
    It's a good idea if making blocks from scratch to make them a wee bit over-sized as the quilting will bring them in a little. Then the quilted block can be trimmed if necessary to a perfect 12 1/2".
    Speaking from experience as mine were true orphan blocks and I felt a couple were a bit nippy after quilting.

    1. I'm making all of mine roughly 13.5" square and then trimming them to size after quilting using my 12.5" sq. ruler. Love that thing!
      the orphan blocks I had would have been too small after quilting, so I hacked them up and "modernized" them.

  10. I agree with Shela. My blocks were not a perfect 12.5" after quilting.

  11. You are the star of this show, putting together these quilts at speed. Another beautiful.

  12. Another wonderful quilt. Love the 'arty' photos too!!

  13. Well done Karen and Alison and her arty daughter!

  14. What kind of batting would you like in the blocks?

  15. Hello Alison,
    I am working on a quilt for you and some other blocks. Hope to have everything finished in three weeks. I will ask you for the address in the Netherlands for the quilt by then!. The separate blocks will be shipped to you again. I will let you know anyway!

    Hello Karen, I am amazed by your work! Please start blogging!

    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
