
Thursday, 26 June 2014

Soy Amado No. 43

It was supposed to rain today.

I put weed and feed down on the lawns, secure in the knowledge it was going to rain.

It didn't rain.

It hasn't rained for 16 days.

I thought I'd better put the sprinkler system on.

The sprinkler system is hidden in the buxus hedge surrounding the lawns.

The new gardener came.

He trimmed the buxus hedges.

He trimmed the sprinkler system.

The new gardener is not coming back.

First World problems.

I hope it rains.

Soy Amado No. 43 - for Developing World problems.


  1. Purple rain seems to be an appropriate name for this quilt. Beautiful!

  2. Does this mean that he broke the sprinkler system or that he got soaked? I hope it's the latter. It's raining here, much to my courgettes' delight. No. 43 is very lovely. You don't see many quilts with these colours, more's the pity. More first world problems ;)

  3. I was wondering the same thing. Did he break the sprinkler system or did he get soaked?
    Love #43 - I just keep liking these better and better.

  4. Lovely colours. I would imagine many of the blocks came from one person? Sorry your gardener didn't work out. One of our friends used to call her gardener "Roger the Hacker" for obvious reasons!

  5. Oops! Think your rain was here in Northern Ireland today. Lots of it!

  6. It's gorgeous but lack of rain is not. Fortunately we get water even when it doesn't - a lot of the world doesn't as you say!

  7. Love the purple in this quilt! This quilt is sure to be a well loved as all the Soy Amado quilts will be. We had thunder, lightning and heavy rain.

  8. You've made me laugh (out LOUD)! Bet you didn't ...
    Lovely purple quilt!

  9. I know I shouldn't laugh, but you painted such a good pic....

  10. Another beautiful quilt, your choice of blocks always works. I do recognize the blocks from Leilas package, nice to see them in quilts.
    As for the rain....we ( in midwest U.S) have had more than our share, wish I could send you some.

  11. We're also short of rain up here. I'm assuming the sprinkler system wasn't on when the gardener trimmed the hedges - you'd think he'd notice that!!! Another gorgeous quilt!

  12. another wonderful quilt - I hope it rains for you soon - silly gardener !!

  13. Ha! Gardeners are also quite good at trimming the TV cables here! They tried to reconnect the co-axial by weaving the wires together again. It worked for the TV, but unfortunately the internet was having none of it.

  14. You have so many finished quilts I can't keep up with all of them! My daughter got an umbrella for her birthday (April 22nd) and has been anxiously waiting a rainy day so that she can use it. We are still waiting. And May and June is normally the rainy season here, it hasn't rained once!
