
Saturday, 13 September 2014

Soy Amado No. 51

Technically it's not summer any more.

Technically that means I was going to be doing more quilting.

Truthfully, summer is still hanging on in there and as long as it does, I'm afraid my sewing room is just not calling me.

I did manage Soy Amado No. 51 though.

It's got quite a few (but not all) blocks that were originally made to 12". I kept them back, thinking that eventually there would be enough for a 12" quilt block quilt.

Eventually I gave up on that idea and cut down some 12 1/2" blocks to the same size to make Soy Amado No. 51

It has the insanely gorgeous rainbow, flying geese, paper piecing skills of Kelly.

Which will mean I will find it very hard to send it on its way.

But I will.


  1. Yes, summer is hanging on in there… just! Lovely to see number 51 and Kelly's blocks are just gorgeous :)

  2. How fun to see Number 51 and I was pleased to see one of my blocks in there. I agree with you, though, summer rules over sewing. :-)

  3. Wow - 51 is stunningly amazing. I am on charity quilt number 22 and thrilled with myself but I have been watching your work and am stunned with the effort etc that you put in. Those kids are going to love it.

  4. There will be long months without summer so enjoy not being in the sewing room while you can. Nice quilt for the children.

  5. Can't believe you're at 51. Amazing job x

  6. Those rainbow geese are gorgeous. Love the way the backs look on these too though. And glad you're hanging on to Summer a bit longer, so are we!

  7. I recently made a quilt using leftover blocks. I love how you can put so many different things together to create something different and wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I hope you can enjoy the beautiful weather of fall as long as it lasts!

  9. Are these all still going to Mexico or are you sending them elsewhere now? Another fab quilt, of course.

  10. It's gorgeous! Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!

  11. I Spy some of the binding strips I sent you. So pleased you were able to use them!

  12. 51 - wow! You are doing such an amazing job :-)

  13. Fantastic! Gosh, those paper-pieced rainbow geese are astonishingly lovely. :D

  14. I am delighted to have found your creative blog. This quilt is fabulous . . . I love it! I do see that you have not posted for a while, and do hope that this doesn't mean that you have quit. I am your newest follower and I would love, love, love it if you would visit and follow me back. You have beautiful blog.
    Your new blogging sister, Connie :)
