
Friday, 16 October 2015

Soy Amado No. 70...And Other News

Soy Amado No. 70

With a beautiful, panoramic backdrop.

And the back.

Linking up to Finish It Up Friday

And in other news.

I wrote a book.

It's not about quilting - I felt there were enough books on the subject.

Instead, I felt the urge to write about something else.

It's available here.


  1. Whoa! Congrats. I look forward to reading it!

  2. Whoa! Congrats. I look forward to reading it!

  3. This is wonderful !!! I live in New Jersey USA and we had a tradition of roadside tomato and vegee stands here in this area for 50 yrs , or so. With an honesty box for payment which was never tampered with . They are all but gone now , and it just happened within the last 5 yrs.. So sad.Congrats on the book ..

  4. Good for you, and good luck with it! I hope it reaches Bestseller status, (whatever that really means). And love the quilt!

  5. I've just downloaded it! Love discovering a new author, and my brother lives on Guernsey so I'm hoping I will recognise a few places!
    Good luck with it!

  6. I've just downloaded it! Love discovering a new author, and my brother lives on Guernsey so I'm hoping I will recognise a few places!
    Good luck with it!

  7. Soy Amado 70 looks great. Congrats on the book. I just downloaded it ... one little hiccup when I followed your link b/c that's a UK store and I had to switch over to USA store. :D I'm looking forward to reading it. Love the cover, BTW.

  8. great book sweetie, well done you x

  9. Oh my! What a surprise. I had to click on the link and check it out (of course) and am now even more interested in it. I'll be getting a "copy" soon (just have to finish this one first) and can barely wait to read it! Congratulations!

  10. I didn't know you wrote books?! That's so cool! and well done on finishing another one of these charity quilts xx

  11. Congratulations on having a book published! I work in publishing (the less sexy, non-fiction and educational kind) so I know how tricky it can be.

  12. Another great quilt and now a BOOK! There is no end to your talents.

  13. Your book sounds hilarious! I will be downloading it when I figure out how to do it to my phone - no Kindle. I very much look forward to reading it! Nice quilt too, btw. x

  14. Congratulations! I don't think I'll be able to read it (no Kindle, no smartphone) so I'll wait for it to come out in a 'book book'!

  15. WOW! Congrats! If my English skills were better, I would read it of course. But since they aren't, I'm waiting for your book with quilting projects. Such book I'll understand:)

    PS. Is it based on your experience? :)))

  16. I am so far behind reading the internet, but I am glad that I did not miss this post. I enjoyed the preview and have figured out how to put the book in a kindle cloud to read, hopefully on the plane tomorrow afternoon.

  17. Just been told about this site and the good work you have been doing with your Soy Amado quilts. Well done.
    So what number are you up to now....
    Interesting book. I'll have a look to see if I can get it....

  18. Congratulations on your book!
