
Wednesday, 30 May 2012

BOGOF books

This one I bought

I love just about anything Kathy Doughty produces in quilt world. Her blog is definitely in my Top Ten of inspirational quilt blogs in terms of her random use of colour. There are always a tonne of quilts on there and I always come away from reading one of her blog posts thinking I definitely need to live to at least 112 1/2  years give or take 10 year either side, to accomplish half the quilt ideas  I have spinning round in my head.

This book has just added to my quilt ideas.

I didn't even think I liked Denyse Schmidt's Greenfield Hills line until I saw this.

And look at this one too.

And this one.

As you've probably noticed, the book is half in French and half in English. That's because it is published and distributed by Quiltmania in France. What this means is you can't get it from Amazon, Book Depository etc. You can order it from Kathy direct but I didn't fancy paying the postage to ship a book from Australia,  so (if you're in Europe) I would recommend ordering off the Quiltmania website. Click on the Union Jack icon on the top right hand corner of the landing page to get it into English (going on the assumption you're not fluent in French in which case ignore that last bit) and place your order. Definitely one of my new favourite quilt books.

Then this one I got free.

Because I was lucky enough to win it on Jacquie's blog.

And the Madame of Modern even signed it for me.

A complete antidote to the previous book with its cacophony of mad, wild patterns, this book is a more subdued take on quilts, using solids only.

Great selection of ideas and styles.

Kajsa Wikman

Emily Cier
Definitely have to save this one for a rainy day week.

It's got some great information on solid fabrics.

Who knew? Not me I'm afraid.
And probably my favourite quilt in the book for the colours and the quilting and the composition.

Designed and made by Jacquie Gering. Quilted by Angela Walters.
I'm thinking after devouring these two books I need to find the elixir for eternal life to get all my quilt ideas made now.


  1. wow! that was fast delivery. i was sure hoping you wouldn't have to wait weeks to receive your book! thanks for the kind words too...there are so many quilts in that book that inspire me!

  2. Thanks for the tip about buying Making Quilts book. I was looking for it at Amazon...

  3. The first book is well beyond my ability, as gorgeous as the quilts are. The Solids book is on my need list. Thanks for pointing out the no wrong side of Kona, I shall no longer have to squint at it ;-)

  4. Good luck with the Eternal Life bit; I know you'll be fine with the quilting bit x

  5. Love that solids quilt too. Very inspirational!

  6. Not sure which is more realistic, your wish for eternal life or my wish that my hands move as fast as my head :)

  7. some really neat quilts in those two books. congrats on your win.

  8. I have both of those on my list now, thanks.

  9. The first book looks amazing. Kathy made me branch out in colour and pattern and not be afraid. She's brilliant. Quilt Mania magazine is one of my favourites too. Cheers!

  10. First burst of colour chaos and then super modern straight lines, except for the petals (in straight lines).
    And both are beautiful & inspiring: makes your fingers itch!!
    Looking forward to seeing your version!

  11. just have to check this one out xx

  12. more books i just have to have....thanks for the heads up on these. which will you make first?

  13. Love Kathy's quilts, the book looks amazing but $48. american dollars is a little too steep for me. Can's wait to see your work from one of the patterns.

  14. OOh, think I may have to get me a copy of that second book! I love looking at the quilting patterns in these books, but oh they're so hard to replicate. I've been trying to learn some other designs - like that spiral, but it's really hard to make it look neat. I need lots and lots of practice.

  15. There is a photo of KD with one of her quilts on my blog a couple of posts back (Friday 22 June). It was taken at the recently held Craft and Quilt fair here in Sydney.
