
Saturday, 26 May 2012

Sew Mama Sew Winner

Mr Random Number Generator thingy has spoken and it is number...

...which happens to be

Natalie, please send me your snail mail address so I can get the goodies off to you.

Thank you to everyone who entered but the biggest thank you to Kelly at Jeliquilts. My giveaway closed last night but since Blogger made some changes earlier this year, comment numbering disappeared. So I was faced with manually counting 634 comments which I didn't fancy late last night.

I noticed Hadley had numbered comments so at 11pm last night we had a flurry of emails between us as she tried to help me but her method didn't (unfortunately) work for me.

So I woke up this morning thinking I was back to manual counting until I spotted Kelly's blog and saw she had numbered comments.

One email to her and her method works...courtesy of her husband...which I get to share with you:

Go to template
Then press edit HTML
You will get a message about proceeding, click on 'open template designer'
click on advanced
add css (scroll down list it's at the bottom)

and paste this into the box (press enter a couple of times before pasting)
.comment-thread ol{
counter-reset: contarcomentarios;

.comment-thread ol ol {
counter-reset: contarbis;

.comment-header:before {
content: counter(contarcomentarios,deci mal)".";
counter-increment: contarcomentarios;
float: left;
padding-right: 4px;

press enter again after the last }

and then apply to blog.


  1. I am so taking all the glory for the numbering ;-)

  2. Congrats Natalie!
    Glad you got it sorted - the CSS route failed for me - Blogger is such a wonderfully user-friendly little chap huh!

  3. It wouldn't work for me. Why?!?! Thanks for the info though, it was worth a try.

  4. Congrats to Natalie!!
    Congrats to you, Alison, on the book you won!!
    Lucky ladies!

  5. Thanks for sharing this! I've never had that many comments but I'll add the numbering in case I do someday :)

  6. Thanks Alison - my numbers disappeared some time ago!

  7. I tried too but it didn't seem to work. hmmmmm

  8. Oh wow!! I was so surprised when I saw this-- thank you so much!! It is totally my lucky day :)
    I was thinking, what are the odds I'd win?! And then I realized-- they were 1 (well, 2) in 634!
    Thank you so, so much!

  9. I've never had numbers on my comments...I might have to see if I can add them! I've bookmarked this post for when I attempt it - thank you!!
