My entrant this autumn to Amy's Blogger's Quilt Festival is my version of the Camelot quilt so look away now if I've bored the pants off you earlier with previous posts.
I wanted a hand-piecing quilt to take with me when I was out and about during the summer months and The Camelot Quilt seemed like a good idea.
Each block is different and each block requires you to trace the template on to plastic, cut out and then use the plastic templates to cut out your fabric pieces.
Although I thought the pattern was not the best value and the instructions were scant (and there was a mistake!) I really enjoyed the challenge hand-piecing each block.
You can see close-ups of all the blocks in my Flickrstream. I particularly liked this block as I managed to incorporate a piece of fabric with this year's date.
Once I'd done all 16 blocks it was square and I don't really like square quilts.
Square quilts don't invite you to snuggle under them the way rectangular ones do.
So with compass, pencil and paper I drafted four new blocks. This one is probably my favourite.
I then hand-pieced all 20 blocks together.
And then slowly began to hand-quilt it all.
Although it is now bound, I haven't totally finished hand-quilting it as you can see from the back.
I just pick it up every now and then and do a bit more.
So now the nights are chillier, it sits on me keeping me warm in the evening while I add a bit more hand-quilting to it.
The stats bit:
Size: 65" x 80"
Hand-pieced and hand-quilted by me.
Best category: Hand-quilted quilt, bed quilt and scrap quilt
Click here to see lots of other gorgeous quilts in the Festival.