Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Soy Amado No. 18

All the blocks for Soy Amado number 18 came from just one person in Australia who sent her contribution to my sister's house and then I brought them home with me in our suitcases.

Several Aussies sent blocks to my sister's house and I apologise as I packed all the blocks in one suitcase and the notes that came with them in another and then here we are, several weeks later, and I am not sure who to thank for their generosity. I do remember opening up the box at the time and thinking 'wow' when I saw all the blocks.

They even included pre-cut sashing pieces too and enough fabric to do the binding, so really, I had very little to do with this one.

If it's you, please stick your hand up and let me know so I can thank you!

(Edited to add: It's Wendy - thank you Wendy...see comments section)

I love it.

Digressing slightly; I was in a bee a few years ago and when it was my month I sent out black, white and red fabric only and asked for blocks made with the half-square triangle only - so I know how striking a limited colour palette can be.

Anyway, getting back to No. 18.

The blocks were a complete array of patterns and all just beautiful.

And even the backing fabrics continued the colour theme.

Couple of things while I remember. Some people are straight stitching right around the edge (or as close to) of each block and I've found that really helpful. It's not a deal breaker but if you do fancy doing it (and it really helps me if you are using quite a high loft batting) that would be great.

Some other people have mentioned that when they are quilting their blocks, it does shrink the end measurement a little. If you're starting out from scratch maybe start with a 12 3/4" block and then trim to 12 1/2" once you've finished quilting it. If you can't, again it's not a deal breaker.

Big thanks too, to everyone who is sending me extras - I didn't realise how grateful I would be for pre-cut binding ( 2 1/2") and pre-cut sashing strips (1" and 1 3/4") but having had it to hand, it's really speeded the process up. A couple of people even enclosed money which, although very kind, is not necessary. I've donated your money to the home in Mexico City so thank you.

And so I continue.

Onwards and upwards to No. 19.


  1. Looks fabulous and I like that it could be for a boy or a girl too. I'm off to quilt some more blocks for you. Don't know where they keep coming from!

  2. That is a gorgeous quilt! The blocks are all so interesting!

  3. Hi Alison, these are the blocks I donated. I feel so privileged to be part of your campaign. You are doing an amazing job!

    1. Wendy, these blocks are gorgeous and Alison put them together in a very eye-pleasing way! Fabulous job ladies!

  4. Well done again! And weldone Wendy with your cute blocks!

  5. Re your comment about Pre-cut sashings, 1" and 1.75". What lengths of these widths do you need? 12.75"?
    Let me know and I"ll cut a few to pop in with my next batch of blocks.

  6. I made all of my blocks about 13.5 inches and then squared them to size with my 12.5" sq ruler. The orphan blocks I had from my very first quilting class were a bit smaller than 12.5 to start with and I knew they would shrink up a bit with quilting, so I hacked them up and added fabric in various ways before quilting.

    I suppose if you get blocks that are a bit too small and make it difficult to incorporate you can set those aside and use them all in one quilt once you have 20...

    I continue to be very impressed with you and your project Alison!

  7. This one is very sweet. Can't believe you've completed 18 now! Wowsers! You are doing amazing.:)

  8. what a great colorscheme!!! I love the red-white-black :-)

  9. looks like Wendy had a lot of fun!

  10. These are gorgeous! I'll get my blocks back out of the envelope and stitch round the edges before I post them!


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